Friday 22 April 2011

Open the heart's lock

Not long ago, in the United State of Alabama t, a man named Freud who accidentally discovered a secret safe. From its end, you can faintly make out the date of its production, dating back more than 148 years of history. Is this safe in the possession of a secret, become the focus of discussion, and to know its secrets, became the key to open the lock. Thus, Freud 5000 dollars reward, hoping someone in the case without damaging the safe to open it.
The second day when the news came out, from the state capital in Montgomery, Alabama, came from a very famous locksmith. Locksmith in the eyes of all look forward eagerly, the ambitious battle of the. But the locksmith in the hard work of 6 hours had to renounce this bounty.
The third day came from the University of Alabama, a scientist. He confidently took the locksmith to open the more exotic than the previous tool set to work. However, he fiddle with nearly 4 hours later, defeated.
Freud decided that the amount of the reward increased to 1 million dollars.
Coram couple normal to unlock for the industry, they accidentally see the reward of this ad, the couple decided to go to race on. We heard about this little-known general locksmith to come unlock all laughed, said: "One is the well-known locksmith, one is a professional scientist, the two have a special unlocking tool, no way to open the final.
Do the couple's ability is greater than that the two?
Although people has a little hope to the couple, but everyone is still around them, just regrad to watch a free show. Coram is also the previous two, as the first paste safe to lock the ears, while gently turning the password disk, while the lock slot ears feel movement. 20 minutes later, he gently pulled the safe hands of a door, even the safe was opened successfully! Freud quickly ran up to see what treasures is hiding inside a result, he was disappointed, apart from the second floor there is a fundamental writing obscure documents, and other sandwich did nothing. But he generously fulfilled a commitment to 1 million dollars and handed Tomko Salem couple.
Coram couple Freud ask: "What do you use a special way to open the lock?"
Coram calmly replied: "I opened the lock because I try to simplify procedures, in accordance with the usual customary way to do it on the line of ordinary. In front of the reason why they failed because they created for their own preconceptions the illusion that the more long locks, the more difficult to open; and proved that the first judge is often unreliable. is that they added in their hearts an invisible lock, of course, also in the failure is inevitable. "
The successed story of Coram couple tell us that before open, it's first to open their heart, the truth will be came out.
Free your heart, everything will be getting simple and easy.

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