Monday 16 August 2010

Who Dat Destined For the Distance

Who Dat made perfect and politically correct!

My mother did not know what to name me because I was born in ancient history, years before sonograms. Mom was hoping for a girl. When she first saw me she exclaimed, Who Dat? Before the nickname stuck my father said, Dat's not good. He told my mom "no, no, not Dat. You wanted a girl and I wanted a boy so let's nickname him Bud because this kid is never going to blossom. He will be a bud forever." That stuck so I'm still Bud "Perfect" according to my mom and dad---not too light, not too heavy, but just right and that's was the end of Dat. Dat's good.

The second time I remember hearing Who Dat was when Kurt Warner, a relatively unknown out of nowhere, performed the "Greatest Show on Turf". He was a discounted newcomer to the NFL but went on to win two Super Bowls and MVP awards, NFL Man of the Year and much more and dats Dat.

The Who Dat Nation is the latest Champion brand name dat celebrates the deserving New Orleans Saints' world class team. Who Dat Drew Brees' MVP and Coach Sean Payton's stellar gutsy performance and winning leadership put Dat on the map for the 2010 Super Bowl XLIV and dats Dat.

Great role models and great ideas inspire us to do Dat. So the question is--to be or not to be Dat.

One of the greatest ideas to transform our world was recently announced by Ambassador Tony Hall world renowned authority on global hunger and poverty. The Champions Campaign to the EndPovertyZONE with the help of sports fans and celebrities has a goal to end poverty in this generation. Did you know Dat is possible?

Did you know dat: nearly one half our world lives on less than $2 per day; dat not one of us picked our place of birth; dat there are better ways than charity to transform peoples lives; dat livelihood loans can provide a livelihood for the poor; dat $100 can provide 2 families a year with the dignity of sustaining their families for a lifetime; dat you can make a world of difference to help families reach the EndPovertyZONE; dat you can be inducted to the Hall of Champions to the EndPovertyZONE; dat your ideas can be the "Ticket" to the EndPovertyZone; dat you can learn more how to be a part of the rave wave winning team of Champions; dat you can join sports celebrities around the world in this wave to wash away the scourge of poverty and forge a future of Hope for the hungry half of our world? Now dat is something to rap about!

Dats the What's Dat and Why Dat for Champions.

Imagine being a part of a winning team to end poverty in this genertaion. Imagine being listed in the Hall of Champions to the EndPovetyZONE! Imagine your ideas and help to make it happen! Be there with us in the winning circle of the EndPovertyZONE. Make this dream your dream with us and we will declare you a "Saint"! Dats good! Dats what its all about.

Now you can do Dat and be Dat!

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